Come On England: The Roars
Music Style: Various: Indie / Dance / Rock
Over The Moon: The Roars, backed by Eoin Clarke's The Music Community, have produced a half-decent song here, well constructed and professionally produced with a lowest-common-denominator catchy chorus and a very London English-accented vocal. "Now we've got the talents.. and we've got the dream team.. and this time we'll make it all the way-ee-ay-ee-ay" sings either Bob Grant or Jamie Ledwith, we aren't sure which. Neither are we sure whether any of the profits are donated to the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, although a prominent badge on the site thanks them.. for supplying homeless animals? Hilarious and extremely tacky low-budget video features semi-naked footballer glamour models playing footie in a park and drinking champagne in a jacuzzi with the lead singer.
Sick As A Parrot: The producers don't seem - like Sven - to be able to make their mind up which system they are playing, so there are three quite different mixes available of the same song, which smacks of indecisiveness and a lack of tactical nouse. They may indeed have the talent and the dream team, but - like England - they barely scrape through and will almost certainly be knocked out as soon as they meet serious opposition.
Terrace Appeal: 5/10